I sucked....
Thsi was really hard. That was why it was cool.
I sucked....
Thsi was really hard. That was why it was cool.
Thanks! :D
That was pretty much the most rockin mask creature I have ever played.
If you think this one Rocks, wait till the next versions, I certainly will inprove my desing ;)
That was funny. Kicking Mario rocks. So does chocolate milk!
One problem
The game was ok, but if you go out of the left and right sides you can't get back in and it doesn't go to the other side like up and down. Fix that once this is accepted (hopefully). If it isn't, fix that and do some other stuff with it. Perhaps you could give it a background.
I was thinking about adding a background. Also thanks for the review and I'm aware that it is glitchy. It was my second try at flash. This was mainly just practice in understanding some concepts.
That was random....
It was just one question and all of the answers were wrong
This is one of the most addicting halloween games I have played this haloween. I'm addicted to it.
You ran out of colors for the magic, it is the same thing every level and it is outright boring
Yeah I did run out of colours. I kind of ran out of time before Halloween to get this out.. The lightening was an attempt to raise it a bit to stop the wizard from standing still.
I am gonna try a new update before friday with a few tweaks etc.
Thanks from the feedback though.
Send me something funny.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 10/20/08